
Composite (tooth colored) fillings have replaced old (amalgam) silver fillings. Composite fillings treat tooth decay “cavities”, tooth discoloration, chipped teeth and other enamel/ tooth defects which offer an additional esthetic appeal. Composite fillings and bondings are tooth colored, highly durable, and a safe way to treat cavities and other tooth related defects. See our composite bondings in our smile gallery link here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Amalgam fillings were the standard of care decades ago and thanks to advancements in dentistry composites and other tooth colored filling/ bonding materials are the preferred modernized standard. Amalgam fillings contain Mercury which we now know can be dangerous to our health. Modern tooth colored fillings offer additional benefits over traditional amalgams which oftentimes can form micro fractures in teeth and lose their seal overtime allowing bacteria and other foreign matter to penetrate the tooth causing cavities to lurk underneath then. Composite fillings are chemically bonded to the tooth ensuring a better seal and stronger adhesion than silver fillings which is why we recommend replacing them.

Benefits to replacing old “silver” Amalgam fillings

  • Improved Esthetics virtually unseen
  • Offer stronger bond and adhesion than traditional silver fillings
  • Mercury free

If you would like to discuss fillings or any other dental procedure please contact us online or or call us at 410-574-2800.